High School Students & Parents
We provide comprehensive college counseling as well as consulting on curriculum planning throughout high school, advice on testing, and extracurricular experiences. We provide expertise for student athletes and performing artists on the recruitment/audition process. A variety of service options are available:
Consultation Meeting (80 minutes with a pre-review of academic file)
College Launch (4 meetings) for Seniors. Affordably priced, students meet with Dr. Stone for Consultation & Action Plan, with Meredith Donato for essay topic generation, and with Dr. Doria Charlson for a college interview coaching session. This service may be applied to the Colonnade Program.
Colonnade Program for Juniors and Seniors: Our most popular program. Comprehensive services from development of the initial college list, preparation and review of college application and their associated required and supplementary essays, preparation for admissions interviews – everything the student needs to apply to college in the United States and Canada. Guidance for families in understanding financial and college costs. Campanile is especially skilled in working with students on the college essays. Dr. Stone and staff provide training to other counselors and writing tutors throughout the US in webinars and national conferences. Dr. Stone created the course and curriculum on The College Essay for UC Berkeley's Certificate Program in College Admissions and Career Planning and is author of the book, The Better College Essay: Fitting In and Standing Out and co-author of The Better College Essay: From Start to Finish. Local students in the Colonnade Program also are invited to meet and interview with selected college representatives who visit with our students virtually.
Global First: Additional support added to the Colonnade Program at enrollment to include application and essay support to Europe, UK, Australia and other global programs with the exception of Canada.
Global Plus: Additional support for international applications - added to the Colonnade Program more than 30 days after initial enrollment.
Portico Counseling: For families who wish school or college admissions counseling during freshman and sophomore years. Counseling consists of four 60-minute sessions in-person or by Zoom or in person.
Simply UC Program: For students seeking assistance with the University of California essays.
Expertly UC Program: For students seeking assistance with the University of California application and essays.
Boarding School students
Campanile is experienced working with students attending boarding schools in the US and abroad. Our college planning platform and regular Zoom meetings make it easy to work remotely with students. We have worked with boarding school students, for example, from Cates, Brentwood (Canada) EF Academy, Exeter, Thacher, Robert Louis Stevenson, Marlborough College (UK), Neuchatel Junior College (Switzerland), BINA (Israel), The King’s School (Australia) and Interlochen.
College Transfer Students
We provide counseling on transfer options and assistance with the transfer process, from identifying colleges to applications and essays, through our Bridge Program for Transfers. Whether a student is transferring from community college or another four-year college, we work with students to understand transfer credits, preparation for the major, and transfer-based scholarships. Application deadlines for transfer students vary by institution and admission may be available to students for Spring or Summer terms. For details on our Transfer program, Learn More.
Students to Grade 8 & Parents
We provide academic and school counseling for students. Families come to us for assistance in choosing schools, learning about extracurricular opportunities, for help with students with learning differences, or to discuss change of schools. We also offer official testing of the SSAT in our San Mateo office. Consulting is on an hourly basis.
Students with learning differences
All of our services are customized for individual students. We have experience working with students with ADHD/ADD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, ASD, and many other learning differences. We can provide information on obtaining extended testing time for SAT/ACT and 504 Plans. Colleges generally require psycho/educational testing (within 3 years of entering college) for students requesting accommodations in college. We are pleased to recommend clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Ni Sun-Suslow if you should need an assessment.
Law School
We provide Personal Statement writing assistance to law school applicants. Our recent applicants have been admitted to New York University, Georgetown, Cornell, Duke, UC College of Law, Santa Clara University, American University, Brooklyn Law, and Pepperdine.
Performing Arts Students
Campanile has expertise working with students attending performing arts programs in theatre. musical theatre, technical theatre, music, dance, and visual arts, including Juilliard Pre-College, Professional Children’s School (NYC), La Guardia High School (NYC), Asawa School of the Arts (SOTA), Crowden School, Talented Unlimited (NYC), Portland Ballet, and Interlochen.
Students exiting residential treatment
Our Colonnade and Bridge services are available to students who are preparing to exit residential treatment and apply to college. Services can be provided by phone, email, and Zoom.
International Students
All of our services are available to students living outside the United States. We have worked with students in the U.K., Asia, Europe, and Australia. We are also a resource to families with younger children re-locating to the San Francisco Bay Area.