Test Prep and Tutoring at Campanile
All Campanile students take a free self-proctored Writing Assessment at the beginning of their Campanile program and receive feeding on their preparation for college admisson essay writing. We may recommend early writing instruction through our ClassXoom program for students who would benefit from formal writing instruction.
At this time, it is unclear if students should invest time and resources into preparing for the SAT/ACT. With the exception of public colleges in Florida and Georgia, MIT, and Purdue, generally all universities remain test-optional. The University of California and the California State Universities no longer accept SAT/ACT scores. For now, we provide our students with a library of self-study videos created exclusively for Campanile students by our test prep experts and can provide self-study materials. In early 2022 we will have more information and can better advise current Juniors if there is any value in preparing for standardized tests.
For more information on the current state of testing, please visit Fairtest.org.
We are an official test site for the SSAT (Secondary School Admissions Test) for Elementary School, Middle School, and High School administered by the Enrollment Management Association. We offer testing in private, individual rooms and will work with you to find a convenient date and time for individual testing at our San Mateo location. To learn more about Flex Testing, complete this Interest Form and visit SSAT.org.